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5 Hacks To Eat More Veggies!

healthy eating postpartum weight loss weight loss weight loss for mums May 20, 2021

I saw this quote recently…

“My fridge is a graveyard for vegetables” and thought - one, it’s funny and two, it’s so relatable for many of my clients.

I’m Elle Humbert. I help mums to lose weight without dieting so they can gain confidence and feel great again. 

Eating more vegetables is one simple way you can start making small positive health changes that will actually last. 

The challenging part is, how do you go from “good intentions” to using up all of those veggies in the bottom of the fridge?

That’s exactly what I’m going to cover in this blog post. I’ll be sharing my 5 favourite hacks for eating more vegetables. These hacks work for mums like you as well as for the kids! So it’s a win win for everyone (and reduces food waste too). If you’re ready to use vegetables in easy and delicious ways, save time on shopping & food prepping while also saving money then keep reading…

Let’s get stuck into the top 5 hacks for eating more veggies:


Did you know that veggies make a great smoothie or juice? Often we focus on adding only fruits but this can drastically increase the sugar content and up the calories per serve. Instead, try adding in some of the old veggies from the bottom of the fridge such as carrot, spinach, beetroot or celery. You can add fruits as well if you like. Apples, mango or banana work really well in juices and smoothies. 



Ok I’m not sure if egg-ing is even a word but throwing in old veggies to egg based dishes like frittata, omelette or scrambled eggs is not only a healthy meal choice but it’s delicious! Veggies like zucchini, capsicum, eggplant, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms and leek’s work so well with egg. Give it a try for a quick, easy and healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack option.



This is my personal go-to hack for using up extra veggies. The best part - the kids don’t even know they’re there and end up eating a few extra veggie serves without realising. You’re welcome ;-) 


For dishes like pasta sauce, soup, stews or casseroles, try chopping or grating in a few extra veggies like carrot, capsicum, eggplant, potato, sweet potato, zucchini, celery… almost ANY vegetable can work in these dishes and condiments. 



Do you love fries but avoid them because of the high fat & salt content? This is the solution for you! While potatoes make delicious fries, you can also use other vegetables to make tasty (and healthy)  fries as well. For example sweet potato fries, avocado fries, carrot fries, zucchini fries and even asparagus!


To make the fries simply cut your chosen veg into sticks, coat them in your favourite herb or seasoning and bake in the oven until tender but crunchy. For a little extra crunch you can coat in a tablespoon of olive oil before putting them into the oven. Which veggie fry will you try?



Did you know that grated frozen chillis make the perfect addition to salads, sauces and curries? Before your extra veg start to rot, chop them up and put them into freezer bags to use later. This is a quick and easy way to save your veggies from going bad while also pre preparing for your next meal. 


Give these tips a try and let me know how you go. I’d love to hear from you on instagram @ellehumbertnutrition

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